Thursday, October 28, 2004



I just read on another blog about the blogger's discovery about his wife's affair with a co-worker in his office. It seems that their marriage is in some sort of a crisis and has been so for quite some time. A couple of blog readers commented that the blogger's entries of his wife's affair and their marriage in crisis, and even the blog in its entirety are fictional. Despite this, rumours about the possible identity about the blogger have been brewing for a while on the blog .

Truth or fiction? I think there are elements of both in the blog. Whatever it may be, after I read the poignant post (the language and style could be described as calm but I seem to detect a profound sadness and a deep sense of betrayal underlying those words, especially if you have been following the blog. I could be over-sensitive, but hey, para schizos are entitled to that!), I am inclined to believe it (well at least a large part of the post). Too credulous of me? Perhaps. Call it an unfair bias against people who stray. Whenever I hear such accounts of infidelity, my empathy is always with the one who was cheated on. Cos I feel there is no reasonable justification for cheating on your partner, even if he/she is a bastard or a jackass etc. I can never fathom how anyone could do something like this to someone you love. Well if you have no more love for him/her, then have the bloody guts and decency to end something before you start another. And if you are simply looking for a cheap thrill to spice up your accounts of your sexual escapades, that right ended when you decided to be in a committed relationship, jackass!
My final word on infidelity, I think any chance of a possible reconciliation is slim. At least for me, I could never look at or love the person in the same way.

(At this point, I have an urge to start preaching about the fundamental values of marriage and beliefs in the sanctity of the institution of marriage. But I will let it pass, for the simple reason that I know it will contribute nothing to my emotional therapy instead will leave me feeling empty and inadequate. Certified para schizo's blog you are reading, be prepared for more of such incoherent ramblings in the future.)

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