Monday, October 25, 2004

I decided to be a prolific blogger and not just one of those irresponsible bloggers who have no sense of accountability of any sort to the blogging community and leave their blogs unblogged for months till they are are finally engulfed by the cobwebs spun by members belonging to the same dammned family of the villainous fiend, which is of course who else but SPIDERS. Not that I have anything personal against spiders. As a matter of fact, I am terrified of them in real life. For the purpose of allowing me to express my angst and frustration against people who irks me, spiders are a metaphor for that group of irksome people in this blog.

So many blog entries within the past couple of hours, I think I am taking this sacred mission a little too seriously. Well, just indulge me. I am sure the novelty of blogging will wear off as quickly as it has rubbed off me.

I had wanted to talk about passive-aggressive strategies you can use against co-workers, but changed my mind. I don't want spider to read this by some stupid chance and rise above my strategies. Chances of this happening are remote, but bear in mind a paranoid schizophrenic doesn't like to take chances cos even the slimest (spp!!) possibility seems to have a real likelihood of materialising. That's why we are called paraniod Schizos! Of course I have counter strategies, but I just don't think spider deserves even the experience of my counter strategies. I don't want to make her cry, lest she engulfs the whole office with cobwebs.

There are a few blogs written by Stewardesses or Flight Attendants (FAs) that I read, not for the intellectual or philosophical value they have (of course not, what were you thinking??), more for the travel stories some of them write. And my my, it's such a chore reading them. Even more tiring than having a conversation (which is not even remotely intellectual) with spiders of any breed or kind. Their thoughts are even more haphazzard than a certified para schizo. One normal entry would have most likely flouted all the rules of English Grammar and set us back a thousand years in the evolution of the English Language. Spelling is atrocious, grammar is bad, subject-verb agreement goes out of the window and more. If you are not a native speaker of the language, you may not be fluent in speech, this much I give it to you. But when you are writing it down, please be a self-respecting individual and at least do a spellling and basic grammar check (forget the subject-verb agreement, I will cut you this much slack) before you post it. You know we invented words like "edit" and "proof-read" for a reason. Cos people consciously do this sort of thing and we need precise words to describe this sort of activity. When the right mood hits me, I will post a few sample blogs and you can experience the power of the bad English they unleash.

And most of these stewadesses or FAs are college degree holders or at least a diploma holder (gasp!). It's not a casual way of writing or talking, it's bad English. At least admit that. We expect better stuff and not poison from them. It's mind poison or English poison they are spewing. I don't like to generalise, but I still think such black sheep perpetuate and validate to some extent the deep-seated notion that FAs and stews are airheads. For god's sake, they are actually thought to be hand-picked by a world-renowned carrier. oh dear.... well there are still some FAs who aren't airheads, I concede this much to you, but I still submit they are the exception rather than the norm.

But the travel stories are still entertaining, no doubt. However, there is no rule to say that being entertaining precludes good English. They are not mutually exclusive.
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