Wednesday, November 24, 2004

How can two people be so alike and yet so different? If you lie even about something that is as trivial as age, what are your real intentions then? Your fake age isn't all that different from your real age, assuming what you told me the first time is true. It's not as if your lie puts you in a totally different age group. 2 Years seem insignificant enough, but it's the fact that you felt you had to lie bothers me. Unless you were lying on both ocassions. And I thought you were as close to Guy as anyone can possibly get. And I thought you were the serendipitous second one in the second million who crossed my path yet again. I don't see how we can continue if you feel you need to hide something so minor from me. Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice. This holds true even for serendipitous finds.

This proves only one thing: Guy is indeed one of a kind. Dearie, my dearie.

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