Monday, November 01, 2004

This is as ludicrous as it gets.

You jackass, please help me to understand which part is unclear. You made an offer. Candidate accepted the offer. Deal is sealed and done. This timeline is as simple as it gets, and you don't dispute this, do you?

Everything happened in a span of two days. He waited a day to accept the offer but I distinctly remember from my Business Law class in first year business school that offer is still valid until it's been retracted and no such thing happened, notwithstanding the absence of a written agreement. (if what I learnt in Business School doesn't have practical applications in reality, the dammed professors should go back to sucking on their thumbs and I demand a refund!) Don't spew legal jargon quoted from your legal counsel to intimidate me. I will reciprocate with poison. Offers are considered to have lapsed only after a reasonably long period of time and one day hardly meets that requirement. And I unequivocally told you we needed one day to revert with an answer (be it acceptance or rejection). You didn't withdraw the offer at any point of time before the acceptance, so it's still valid acceptance. It was your fault, at least admit that and quit trying to cover your arse. You do not have authorisation to make an offer to prospects so have the good sense to seek approval from higher level next time. This is the best way to cover your arse, use the bureaucratic approval process to your advantage, airhead. And don't act like you are some big shot who is senior and important enough to make critical hiring decisions. Don't expect to be excused for your inexperience and over-zealousness. They can harm people and turn the world upside down. And don't threaten me, only desperate people resort to threats as they have nothing up in their sleeves anymore. I may decide to respond to your threats and draft an anonymous (wtf, I think my letter would be so explicit that my identity would be discovered anway) letter to the Regional HQ detailing the specific circumstances surrounding this whole fiasco and how it evolved to the mess you helped to create. I am sure your company can do without the unwanted publicity. Any self-respecting MNC would want as little of that as possible. We may have no legitimate legal grounds but I have a knack for stirring things a little and who says we need legitimate claims for seeking a little damages from the court of public opinion? Ok, I hope your half-working brain knows making it public may be a little far-fetched, but it's not difficult to bring this to the attention of those who matter most to fry your ass alive.

You pissed me off more and I might do just that and stir this BIG. You don't want to risk this.

Anyway, a para schizo likes to pre-empt threats. So I might not need any more prodding to do more. In that way, your threats would never materialise.

Those are least of my concerns now. The question is, how do I explain it to the poor guy? Let's kick their arses together, shall we?

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