Sunday, November 28, 2004


The Uglier Fruity Bracelet that's also mine

Continuing with the thread of the previous entry on gifts...

I also got another bracelet sometime last week. I feel so blessed sometimes. And the giver made sure to tell me that it's not for christmas when I commented that it's an early christmas prezzie. Sometimes, we just forget we don't need an occasion to buy gifts for one another.

I feel so lucky, but if it's not too much to ask for, can I have better prezzies next time? Like cosmetics (blusher, lipstick, lip gloss, powder) or skincare products, or books (yes any book, fiction or non-fiction, bios are fine too). Accessories and clothes ae fine too, but be sure to be more observant about my taste for such things.

The bracelet is quite ugly actually. It's not a matter of opinion. Everyone, undoubtedly will find it ugly, except only for the person(s) who designed, manufactured, distributed / sold and is / are still selling or distributing it. I hope they have stopped production. It's just so wrong. It's also a cheap bracelet. That's besides the point. It's not the price, I don't equate price of a gift to the thought and affection that go into buying the gift.

I call it a fruity bracelet cos of the fruits (berries, apples, cherries) hanging off the bracelet for ornamental reasons. It's highly questionable how successfully those fruities have managed to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the bracelet cos they are in fact the very reasons why I find the bracelet ugly. My advice to the designer: Less is more. Simplicity is bliss.

What that is more confounding is why anyone would buy it in the first place and especially you? Or is it a recycled prezzie?

I don't think there's ever a chance it will grow on me. There is no redeeming quality, unlike the case of the ugly plastic ring. I will still keep it, nonetheless, for two good reasons. One, the old's the thought that counts and I try not to recycle presents. It's bad karma and I mean this in every sense of the word. You may find yourself at the receiving end of the same present from hell yet again and you rob yourself literally of one chance to be shocked or surprised with another gift (be it from hell or heaven). Bad karma, what goes round comes round and I try as far as possible to break the cycle here. Two, there ain't a soul whom I think will appreciate this bracelet and it reflects badly on me to give a prezzie to someone whom I think will not like what I got for them. It shows a lack of sincerity and thought on my part in getting the gift and defeats the purpose of the gift.

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