Monday, December 06, 2004

An observation that I made about myself long time ago, and one that was validated by one particular incident last week. One fool-proof way to get the better of me in any debate or discussion is to spew vulgarities.
It doesn't intimidate or upset me. Instead, it disorients me and amuses me, which is actually quite laughable cos it's not supposed to. They are meant to inflame and agitate the person to which they are said.

And I am continually surprised by how creative some people can get when they incorporate expletives in their words. For me, 'wtf, screw you witless, fuck off , bloody' or any combination of the aforementioned are about as creative as I can get. So I find it amusing when I hear very creative ways in which expletives are combined or the clever use of words (which we don't normally find offensive) with expletives to form highly offensive phrases.

This is what I find funny. That I actually try to figure out what it means and try to form a mental picture of the 'acts' in question. In the middle of a rather vigorous debate, and someone spews a string of swear words and for a couple of seconds, I am completely thrown off balance and become disoriented as I try to conjure up images of the obscenities said. I lose my train of thought on the original discussion and am thus vulnerable to any attacks on my arguments.

Very effective diversionary tactic.

Hi oddball. When you need a change of pace, try this site. Leave a comment if you like it -- and tell all your friends.
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