Sunday, February 06, 2005

Had dinner with a very close friend. Told her about my predicament with the high school crush's impending wedding. This gf knows my feelings toward him. She attended the same schools with me and him, and knows him as an acquaintence. So it was easier to talk to her as I didn't have to go through the same old story, which must be like 8 years old already.

She told me to tell him I love him, tell him to choose me over her. Tell him I have waited too long and decided to wait no more. So that at least he knows. She said she's quite sure he will still choose his present gf over me. But at least I know, and so I can move on with my life.

Someone forwarded me a personality test by email. I was supposed to associate certain colors listed to someone in my life. According to the results, G is someone whom I will remember for the rest of my life (This is true). And the high school crush is my twin soul (true to some extent too). And the gf mentioned above is someone I consider to be my true friend. Quite accurate. And Nic's not mentioned for the simple reason that I don't particularly associate him with any colors. But is it as simple as it seems or is it an indication of something more when you aren't able to associate any colors to someone at all?
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