Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I went back to using to the mascara I used to apply. Nic thinks there's not much difference. Well he's not discerning enough. I think it looks a little more natural. I hope this puts a stop to all the rumors that's been circulating around in the office about my fake eyelids. Mean people. Be kind to a temp staff, for chrissakes.

There's this IT manager who tends to get very touchy with me. Not to the extent that it constitutes harrassment, but some seemingly innocent touching of my arms and shoulders, that solicitous smile. It's so repulsive. And he tried to ask me out to lunch today but failed of course. I made up some excuse about skipping lunch to run some errands. I expect him to try again tomorrow or some other time. Well, perhaps not. Not many guys try again after getting shot down once. Anyway, it will be my last day on Friday, so he doesn't have that many chances to try again.

Told Nic about the dinner date I have with the high school crush. Only told him the bare minimum. He doesn't know JJ was my biggest crush in high school. He didn't seem very interested to know more.

'You think anything's amiss? To talk?'
'It's just a casual dinner appointment. Don't be reading too much into it. Unless there's something more you are not telling me'
'Guy in a committed relationship asking a girl out to TALK in person. I would be very mad if you do that.'
'So I should be mad you are accepting his date.'
'No, I am not the one who initiated it. I am just curious what he could possibly want to talk about.'

Then I also told him about how he always looks at me, how he avoids eye contact with me etc. And also a little on how awkward things were during high school.

'Mich, I think you just want to hear what you want to hear. That he likes you maybe. Either that or you are trying to make me jealous.' He knows me so well. A little of both frankly.
'So have I succeeded?'
'Unfortunately no. You might want to know I have my fair share of admirers too. I always get picked up. Just that I don't tell you.', he said with a big grin.

Well, I don't have a problem with him being such a charmer with girls. I always find guys who are secure and confident very sexy. Darn, should have told him about the IT manager who seems interested too. That should make him jump.
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