Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Correction of my previous entry on Nic's age... Nic is 37 plus. Won't hit 38 until 6 plus months later. That was how he corrected me when I told him he's only 38. And he added, 'Yeah, and you are only 25. You know we would be put in different age groups in market surveys and census.' True also. If it's any consolation, I would turn 26 faster than you turn 38. So during the time when you are 37 waiting to turn 38, we would only be, rounding down ages to the nearest integer, 11 years apart. I love teasing Nic like this. I know he has a couple of things in our relationship he obsesses about, so I try to rub them in to get him a little ruffled.

But honestly, men and women just age differently, in my opinion. That's largely due to our biological wiring. You get the drift. You know the oldest joke in the book. The gist of it is that with each passing year, men become more charming and charismatic. Just like a good bottle of wine, they get better with age. Most men can achieve that, with some effort on their part on personal grooming. However, with each passing year, women just get old.

*dives for cover before feminists start throwing rocks at me*

Yes, going on to 26 soon and that's officially past the mid-20s mark. I would be in the late 20s category soon. And I would be one category closer to you, Nic. Don't worry, you would still be in the late 30s category for another 2 years.

I cut my fringe last Friday like I said I would. Am very satisfied and I love the way it falls nicely to cover most of my forehead. And yes, I look sweeter and maybe just a tad younger (told you no hairstylist is that good). Only a tad younger, much to the relief of Nic. The fringe is pretty and somewhat easily manageable, but I do need to spend more time styling to maintain it so that it falls nicely. So it has become one of my nightly rituals, amongst others, to style my hair, my fringe specifically, after my shower, followed by some minor touching up before I sleep if necessary. Yeah, the lengths I go to to make sure that crop of hair right at the front of my forehead falls beautifully. Such is the price of perfect hair. So last night, again I was in front of the mirror picking at my hair with my fingers and some styling cream. Nic walked past me and gave me a scowl-like expression, presumably to mock at me for putting myself through all this styling hassle. I pouted and gave him a scowl back.

' Quit obsessing about your hair, Mich. If those few strands want to stay on the other side, let them be. Like it makes helleva difference.'

To the untrained eye, maybe. But the more discerning folks among us know better. Those few wayward strands have to budge!
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