Tuesday, April 26, 2005

After the post yesterday, I can't stop thinking about G. I still owe him one call that I have to return. But I don't want to upset Nic and risk losing what we have now. I love Nic too much to want to upset him like this. If he were to call an ex-gf up, I think I would go ballistic too. But I just miss talking to G. We really ended on a bad note and I remember I told him that should we decide to end things between us, I don't ever want us to do that on a bad note. I don't want us to walk away hating each other. I can't bear the thought of him hating me. I still remember he said 'I don't think I could ever bring myself to hate you.' The last I heard his law firm might be relocating him back to the office in California. So I guess this is it.

My gfs have advised me to move on and forget about G. They think it's an ego problem more than anything else for me. As the song goes, I cannot get over him getting over me first (something to that extent). I guess it's true to some extent. 2 months after our break-up, he started seeing someone else already. And there I was still grappling with the after-shocks of the spilt. Anyway, he's history now.

On a more chirpy note, last night, Nic and I were brainstorming about the things we can do on our romantic getaway coming up this weekend and I gallantly offered to do him a sexy lap dance. Well, I was in a obscure little latin dance club briefly in college after all. And I took up salsa dancing about one year ago, although for a brief period too. Most importantly dancing is just lots of swaying and gyrating, so a sexy dance isn't something beyond me. It's not like rocket science. I just need the right music, nothing too fast or upbeat though. It's supposed to be a slow and sensual dance. And a racy little white dress, and I am all set to go.

He wanted a preview and I obliged him one. He thought it was pretty good. I think so too, just that it needs some touching up here and there. And a naughty thought for a llittle bedroom game crept into my mind. Here's how it goes...I will try every trick I have in my bag, (which honestly ain't a lot) to seduce him and he has to try his best to restrain himself from responding to my ministrations. Whoever gives up first loses. And loser has to do one thing for the winner. Any one thing the winner wants. He wanted a dry run first before he commits himself to it, that cheeky guy. So dry run he got. And guess who won this first round. Yours truly of course! But I think I don't fully deserve all the credit he accords me. I think he caved in intentionally and prematurely too (he wasn't even near breaking point...haha). He said he wins either way.

Thanks Dear for highlighting that. So I added a new rule. If he succumbs during the course of my seduction, all activities are terminated immediately, and the game ends. So he doesn't win even if he loses. Yeah, an incentive for him to hold off as long as possible. I may just get tired, you never know...haha... And in return for this new rule, he has one condition of his own too. He said involuntary physiological response (his exact words) shouldn't count. It's not something he has control over by sheer willpower. Sounded fair enough to me and I agreed to it but now I am starting to regret it a little. (hmmm... perhaps I will need to re-negotiate with him later tonight.) And I also went on to define more clearly what 'no response' means. He is not allowed to touch me, or have big movements. Small movements, like shifting a little, is allowed at my discretion. And he cannot rub any part of his body against anything. And he has to just lie flat on his back. He can leave his clothes on, but I can choose to wear (or not to) whatever I want.

Should I tie his hands together so that he keeps to the rule of not touching? I need to think about this, but I think not cos that will be a constant reminder of the resolve he must have. I want him to feel tempted. Omg, aren't we getting a little too kinky??

I am so determined to win at least one such game during the getaway. You know, I so badly want a bag from Gucci or LV. Something from the current season at least. This LV bag I presently carry is like from eons ago...So Nic Dear, game is on!
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