Sunday, April 10, 2005

It's been a month since I started this current job. Things are progressing well, by all signs. My boss is very nice, still ever so affectionate with me with all those terms of endearment, nothing physical though, and a cheeky wink here and there. Well, nothing makes an employee happier and more productive than a harmonious and relaxed working environment. So I am not complaining.

But things at the romantic front ain't doing so great now. Nic's hours are getting crazier and longer. For the last two weeks or so, he's been consistently coming home late at about 10 plus and sometimes even 11 plus. He said he's busy with work. It's always a busy time for him during the period leading up to a new quarter and of course, at the end of each quarter and the early part of the next new quarter. And of course, top it off with the what it is that Finance departments all over the world get excited over at the end of each month and you have the classic definition of a madhouse.

His high workload makes him tired and a tad irritable these days. He's impatient and short with me more often than usual. And when I get upset cos of his attitude, he just kisses me and apologises in a dismissive manner just to shut me up. I don't know if he means it (he should be genuine about it, at least for most of the times, cos he's just cranky) or it's just an easy and hassle-free way to nip the discord in the bud for him and definitely a more appealing option than the alternative of having a long and drawn-out standoff with me.

And for the last two weekends (including this last one that just passed us by), he worked through Saturdays and half of Sundays. By the end of it all, he was so tired, he said he would rather get some rest, so we stayed at home over the last two weekends. I don't mind staying at home. I understand work committments. I am not complaining about this per se. I am just very mad with the dismissive tone and attitude he uses on me. That patronising tone he takes when he tries to douse an impending argument. You know the 'ok I'm sorry, I don't have the time and energy to go into this right now, so I am sorry' tone. Just to pacify me or worse, just to have sex with me, at least that's how he makes me feel. An equivalent of this tone in gesture form would be a dismissive wave in the air.

And on those ocassions, I didn't want to take it up with him, cos I know I will almost certainly end up crying if I tried to even say anything to explain how things look from my perspective. That would only complicate matters. So I let it go. I am such a crybaby, what's new? Sometimes I really hate myself for this.

If it's any indication of anything nicer to look forward to, he told me just now that he anticipates that things at work are going to go slower at a more manageable pace from mid of this week, so we would be able spice up our weekends or weeknights a little more. I only hope the attitude improves.
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