Tuesday, May 17, 2005

After a well-rested night, I feel so much better today, as opposed to the perpetual zombie-like state I was in yesterday. No more partying on Sunday nights.

My body felt laden with tons of lead yesterday morning. I couldn't move myself from the bed and Nic had to nudge me a few times to get me going. And he's so sweet to send me to work, so that I could catch some moments of restful shut-eye in the total ease and comfort of his car. Ok, you earned some solid brownie points here. I felt so bad that he had to do that, cos he's obviously very tired too. Good thing is that he managed to catch about 2 hours of sleep or so after he got back home, before he proceeded to eat lunch with me. Brownie points again. Awwww...I really gotta treat him better.

But I still had not overcome my fatigue by lunch. The fact that it was a slow morning at work didn't help either. If I had tons of things to do, I might have been able to work off the fatigue. I was having trouble keeping my eyes open and had to go freshen up a couple of times. When lunch time came, I was relieved. When I saw Nic, first thing I did was hug him and leaned against him. I didn't care I was just outside my office building. I didn't care who would see me (actually I did a little, which was why I buried my whole face into him and tried to obscure the whole of my existence with his big body.). Point is, at that point I was so tired I was past caring about my surrounding. I just wanted to melt into something / someone comfortable, even if it was for 5 mins. I just wanted to let the world come to a standstill for 5 mins so that I can just concentrate on this peace and serenity for 5 mins. I told him 'for 5 mins please, I am so damned bloody tired'. It felt a little warm so I moved him, while I was still buried in his arms and chest, to a cooler and more shady spot. It's funny how that's all it took for me to feel rejuvenated again. At least my eyelids weren't drooping every 5 mins. After I was duly satisfied, we went for lunch at this fancy pants restaurant we had always wanted to go again, but something always came up to conspire against that possibility. Lunch was good, as usual and I drank lots of coffee, something I seldom do, to perk myself up a little. Lunch with Nic is always good, and it's a pity it's something we don't do often enough. It's a thrill for me cos it always feel like we are stealing time to be together. It's the appeal of a pseudo-secret rendezvous kinda thing.

Anyway, before we parted ways, I asked for another long and drawn-out hug. And he said, 'Go ahead, just don't drool on me.' I love him so so so so so so so so so so so to the power of infinity much. I am in a crazy romantic mood today. I can't wait for him to get out of the shower so that I can hug him to bits again.
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