Thursday, May 19, 2005

The anticipation
The agony of not knowing
Finally the day of revelation
The truth hits
How on earth would I be able to live with this regret for the rest of my life?
Who can fill this void in my life? Love, maybe.

Damn you motherfuckers. But as I said, I will be strong, until I snap, whenever that may be. I don't even want to cry. I won't give those motherfuckers the satisfaction. Nic, can we just leave this place? Please give me ticket out of this shitty hole. Please. I was looking over his photos of his house in NYC. It's so pretty and quaint. He has always had a special talent in interior decor. It's perfect. And our current apartment is like a mirror image of it. But the environment here is not. It's so stifling you could choke. The only redeeming factor about this godforsaken place is that it's cheap. Education is cheap. that's about it. Quality of the education, well it sucks and leaves much to be desired. Ideally I want to go to the states to do it. Great quality of instruction, great marketability internationally but it's too expensive. Even if I whore myself out, I may not even be able to cover 20% of it. No whore is that expensive, not even the best ones. So let's see when I will get lucky with a sugar daddy.
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