Monday, May 30, 2005

I called JJ in the afternoon and cancelled on him, eventually. He won't be calling me anytime soon, ever. He's mad at me, and I am mad at him, and frankly, I have better reasons to be angry. He said something which offended me greatly. Why should I bother myself with someone who looks down on me and what I do. Fuck you. I deserve better. And it actually took me so damn long to realise that. I have always know it actually, but was reluctant to admit it cos I don't want to believe it. Mr High-and-Mighty, good luck to you and your whore. Don't call me again, ever. The thing about J, is that I can be that easily affected by him, or be as easily unaffected by him. So just go away now, you jerk.

My present contract with the Bank will be completed on 6 June. There's still no word on a possible renewal. But I don't think I will be too bothered by it even if I am not renewed.

I feel so sluggish these days and just now when I was on the phone with Nic, I felt a sudden impulse to marry him. Yeah, very scary huh? I freaked myself out too. Must be PMS.
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