Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Nic told me to 'fuckin' stop whinning' just now. I got so mad. You don't use words like 'fucking', to your gf except when mean it in the literal sense, in which case I find it acceptable. Most other cases, I am so offended. It's not something you say to your gf. You know it's times like these that make me wonder if he's indeed as serious, as committed and as crazy about me as he claims he is and if he indeed adores and loves me as much as he always says he does. I told him so many times I find this word very offensive and he should refrain from using it with me. He could have simply said, 'Michelle, stop whinning. It's part of working life.'. And I would have felt so much better. Sure I know bitching in the workplace among co-workers is pretty common, what I wanted from him was just consideration and comfort. And I got none of those.

You are the fucking liar. Isn't he such a liar? And just less than 2 days ago, he said I wasn't whiney and then now he tells me to fuckin stop whinning. And he proceeded to spilt hairs with me over his exact words. He said he meant my voice, by itself, is not whinny. You can't just listen to my voice and conclude it's a whine in itself, regardless of what I am saying. It's not that whinny per se. But there are times he felt I truly whine and that's what I just did. Yes, why then do you have to tell me to 'fucking' stop whinning? Why can't you just tell me nicely? Jerk.

Quite unexpectedly, I managed to say all of the above, or something to that extent, quite coherently without crying and it really lent so much credibility to what I said. Then I simply walked out of the room and here I am, blogging.

That's the way it is for men. You treat them nicely and soon enough they take you for granted and treat you like dirt. Don't fuckin' talk to me like this. It's not just about him using the 'fuckin' word with me. It's his attitude. That dismissive attitude. I thought the getaway fixed that. I don't care if you think my whinning is incessantly annoying or infantile. You have to listen. It's a benefit I am entitled to for all the fuckin' fucking you get from me. I was thinking of camping out in the living room tonight or in the study, just to show him how fuckin serious I am about this. But on second thoughts, why should I make myself suffer while he enjoys a vast bed all to himself? And I also thought about not getting a ride from him to work tomorrow, but why make myself suffer dire consequences for his fuckin attitude.

He is going to have to apologise to me this time. And if there's no sex until you do, it's not that I am withholding sex from you to blackmail you or manipulate you. It's cos I have no wish to be close to a fuckin jerk. Just so you know, for the record.
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