Tuesday, June 07, 2005

A girlfriend squirmed a little when she knew that Nic says the word 'Fuck' freely to me when he means it literally, of course. As in, we fuck a lot, we are not fucking enough, you are such a good fuck, I fuck so well, shall we fuck etc. And she was surprised I actually let him say all of the above to me and I am not even a little offended. Well, honestly I am not, unless he uses it when he doesn't mean it literally. Fuck is just fuck. There is nothing rude about the word in itself. Am I weird or what? At least she made it sound like I am the weird one. Well if I am weird, so is Nic. I guess that then makes the two of us.

I think it's just the same when couples (not necessarily only those who are into the whole domination / submission game) call their partners slut, cunt etc and to them under those circumstances, these words actually increase the erotic charges of the situation. They find them arousing. But those same words, if said outside the same context may be very offensive to the same people. So context is everything, in my opinion. Fuck is just fuck, but if you use it out of the fucking (as in act of having sex) context, then I am offended.

Like everything else, it's a preference. There's really no accounting for tastes. While others find 'fuck' offensive, even when meant in the literal sense, I find it acceptable. But words like cunt, slut and bitch are definitely things I won't allow my partners to say to me under any sort of circumstances. Nic doesn't find them offensive, but rather he finds it funny and almost impossible to say those words to turn anyone on, even if it's meant to be endearing or affectionate.

So what makes us tick? It's different strokes for different folks I guess.
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