Monday, June 13, 2005

I joined Nic for lunch today. We were supposed to meet outside his office building, but he wanted to finish reading a report before lunch, so I ended up waiting in his office for him. For about 45mins I just sat there and watched him while he worked. It's better than tv. *giggles* He was so focused and so intense. And just so handsome, so good-looking, so incredibly gorgeous with his spectacles. He actually looks better with specs than without. It gives him a scholarly, gentlemanly aura. So sexy and intellectual. I like the intellectual look. It just oozes sex appeal. Sex on legs! This was the first expression that came to my mind. He was just completely focussed on whatever he was doing, with an occassional frown every now and then when he's pondering over something. He's so cute. Sometimes, I would catch him stealing glances at me from the corner of his eye, seemingly to make sure I was ok and when our eyes met and I winked at him cheekily, he would smile, the faintest of faint smiles, the slightest of slight smiles, but it made me feel so warm and fuzzy all over.

Lunch was again at the fancy pants restaurant we both like so much. Good food, good view and good ambience. Not to mention good location too. It's so near to Nic's office. We stayed there for about one full hour before he had to go back to work.

I stopped by my favorite haunt after that - a music store in town. This store is such a cool place. I could just stay there the whole day. It has a very comprehensive stock of music of all genres. So again, I spent about 3 hours there and spent so much money on CDs again. Mostly jazz albums and a couple latino / spanish type of album, all of which go so well with my amateurish salsa dancing. The total bill came up to about $300 dollars! OMG. And Nic spent quite a fair amount (almost $150) also on CDs we got for us (me, mostly) over the weekend. So nice CDs are my current guilty sin.

As I was enjoying the music in the store, a terrific idea for Nic's birthday gift hit me. If I could find a way to produce a collection of Nic's all time favorite music (both vocal as well as instrumental) or music I think he will enjoy so that he could listen to his favorite music at one go, without the hassle of of loading and reloading discs or skipping tracks, that would make such a thoughtful gift. And would definitely guarantee me the award for the Year's best gf! First I would need to trawl through all my discs, and his as well, including those recently acquired ones and pick out his favorites. Then I guess I would need to burn (??) CDs or do something with a MP3 Player and download the music. I think all these are things that I need to do but I am just not sure in what sequence and how they relate to each other. I guess I will figure out as I go along or I can just turn to my IT whizz gf.

It's a lot of work, but I think Nic deserves every bit of it and nothing less, for all the simple things he had done for me, for all the simple pleasures he had brought to my life, for making me understand the real wisdom of seemingly simple truisms that have been said and lost on me so many times before. Truisms like 'life is a marathon not a sprint' and what it means to be happy, genuinely happy. It's so simple and yet so profound.

Thanks, Dearie.
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