Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I managed to convince Nic last night to postpone the trip to the doc's to next Monday. I have this very strong feeling my period is gonna start in a few days, I told him. My breasts are so sore, and I feel so bloated, but then again I have been feeling this way for 10 over days already. Anyway, it's a bit of a rush for both of us to squeeze lunch and a trip to the doc's in one hour or so. And Nic's office isn't exactly near to mine. He has to drive as it's too far to walk under the sweltering heat of the afternoon sun. So if we go next monday, after I am officially unemployed, it would be more convenient for us. Hopefully, it will start by next Monday. Please please please. Maybe if I stop thinking so much about it, it might just come when I least expect it.

Nic said it's fine with him, but he's just worried I would scare myself nuts with my wild imagination. I told him I would be the unluckiest person on earth if I am really pregnant. I am like such a practioner and advocate of safe sex. I am the 'safety girl.'

'Come on, don't talk like that. Come to think of it, it won't be such a bad idea, would it? We would be great parents. I am definitely old enough and ready to be a dad. You would be ready too when that happens.'

Isn't he sweet?
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