Sunday, June 12, 2005

I was a happy crazy hopeless giggly romantic girl the whole of yesterday. All giggly and smiling. Basically just like a little girl getting high on love drug. All goofy. Of course, the fact that my period started in the afternoon must have raised my endorphins level by a notch. Oh yes the period! It started! A huge relief for both of us, for Nic mostly, as I can finally revert to being a normal gf, or at least any semblance of a normal person and stop being a paranoid neurotic nutcase. We had a lil' celebratory physical intimacy upon my revelation of the good news we had been expecting for about 2 weeks already. Very mind-blowing (pun alert!) for him. I don't mind as I was so happy and I felt so on top of the world. It felt mildly erotic even.

Then we went for a lil' shopping for books, some CDs and a nice birthday gift for his sister. He couldn't decide between a quaint little necklace and a violin crystal. So he ended up buying both, saving one of them for christmas he said. I was so giggly and love-drunk and when I am this way, I tend to talk more and I end up giggling more. He was very amused by my giggliness. (Please pardon my mediocre English, not that it is normally not mediocre, just that it's even more so now. I can't seem to find another word that more aptly describes my state of mind. So if it seems I am over-using 'giggly' alot, I really am. I am still very giggly now in fact.)

It felt like such a real date, and we don't have enough of such real dates anymore. We shared jokes, we laughed and chuckled together, he leaned in every now and then for a kiss, he pressed me close to him and planted a kiss on my head, he squeezed and kissed my hand, I was all clingy on him. Let's have more of these in the future.

Today was good too. We spent the whole afternoon at home. We talked a lot, I giggled a lot, he tickled me a lot. We kissed a lot and cuddled alot. I was in a lazy mood and he carried me on his back or in his arms around the apartment whenever I felt like it.

Him, 'could you get me some water, sweetie?'
Me, 'sure. could you carry me to the kitchen to get you the water?' Haha.
And the most amusing thing is he actually agreed.

When he went online briefly to check his emails, I sat on his lap and snuggled into his neck and kissed him. I felt like a little girl all over again. When he was done with the mails, I insisted we checked into the dollies website. And he said,' I am only interested in this big dolly on my lap.' After a while, he got really bored and said grudgingly, 'Come on let's go watch tv or dvds. I feel like an old pervert seeing all this girly stuff.' HAHAHA...

It was so good. I felt we really connected or reconnected again. I love how I would mindlessly just fiddle with his fingers as we were watching tv. I love how he would be so fixated on the program one moment and the next moment he would give me a firm kiss on my head, hands or lips. Or sometimes just a tight hug or squeeze just to show me that I am on his mind and he is really enjoying my company. We were so comfortable and it seemed like we just melted into each other. I love love love love this feeling and I love this man more!!!

And Nic said I could join him for lunch tomorrow. He wants to keep me company as best as he possibly can, on my first day of official unemployment after 3 months.

Life is good. I have a lot to be thankful for.

Lots of love. Love is in the air...
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