Friday, June 24, 2005

I was telling Nic about some of the blogs I have been reading recently. (And no he doesn't know that I have one. Not that I had exposed any scandalous skeletons here, but you know there are some stuff about G that I had written here, and I don't think I feel comfortable having Nic read them. I might show this blog to him one day, especially the very complimentary stuff I had written about him here, and also the not-too-flattering ones, just to add a dash a reality to it, but not before I clear those entries about G first. And it helps that we both have our own designated laptop and PC.)

Boy, I managed to digress by quite so much.

Back to the blogs, I chanced upon two blogs, written by 2 teenage girls, perhaps 17 -18 or so. They talk freely about sex and bfs and sugar daddies, in quite an explicit manner too. It really surprised me a little to know that there are such precocious 17-year olds around. I am not a prude, and during my teenage years, I had known such sexually precocious girls amongst my friends then, but as I was so gheeky, I didn't really understand what went on in their lives on a day-to-day basis. So these two blogs sort of gave me some very interesting insights.

And I can't help but think about how I was when I was at that age. I was nerdy, gheeky, socially inapt. And totally ill-informed about sex, and was mostly grappling with ostracism at school. Painful years. Grrr... I am glad I am past that age now.
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