Monday, July 11, 2005

You know the silly (not to mention very costly) things missing G makes me do? I lose concept of money, literally. One thousand dollars means as much or at little to me as nothing. I don't even know what it means, or how much it is literally. And today, I blew $2000 away just like that, which for me is very very unusual cos I am a frugal person. I walked into a boutique, picked out all the nice stuff, tried them, decided to buy them even without checking the prices. It was only after leaving the boutique that I understood what two thousand dollars meant. That the reality of what I had done sunk in. When I am upset, I just can't be bothered about anything at all. And the best way to show that I simply don't care is to spend money, lots and lots of it. If I could afford it, I could very well have made the downpayment for a car. It's a downward spiral. I would start thinking about how dull my life is gonna be, how without G, truckloads of money would be useless. I am certain this is a pathological condition.

I am so in the red this month. No income but lots of expenditure. Plus, I still owe Nic some money, about $500 for the bills I signed on my supplementary card.

Well I guess all the stuff I bought today would serve as a very good motivation to get a job fast. In fact, I am going for one interview tomorrow and Nic just helped me prep for it just now. Wish me luck. And yes, it's a low-paying secretarial position again, but at least it's a permanent job. It's stable.
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